it takes some silence to make sound
by that I mean you need to sit back and relax to understand or realize what you like, what you feel, and what you think.
But sitting alone too much isnt good either, at least not for me. Bored and restless is what I get. I need distraction. Distraction from my own thoughts sometimes.
But sitting alone too much isnt good either, at least not for me. Bored and restless is what I get. I need distraction. Distraction from my own thoughts sometimes.
I feel like putting up some favourite photos from the past half year. Its been some great six months, that's for sure =)
but my archive doesnt seem to work at the moment, so this one photo have to sum it all up:

but my archive doesnt seem to work at the moment, so this one photo have to sum it all up:

"you see love at first is summertime...
... you should know, when it gets to cold, youre not alone"
... you should know, when it gets to cold, youre not alone"