Same old Same old

pattern I´m falling into.
Lovely - Miserable - Emotions - Stupidity.
Just take me away!
Sweep me off the floor, totally, once and for all.
Don´t want to be a part of this carousel again. Not now.
Rather have something thas is real, real, real...

You´re all I want, you´re all I need, you´re everything...

Jag vill till fjällen, snö, skidåkning. Get away!
Have fun and feel free!


What Do I Do With All This Love?
Wake up every day as if it were on purpose.

These times are so uncertain - there's a yearning undefined.

Its been a while now, since I wrote here. There has been both ups and downs for the last couple of weeks. Right now Im feeling pretty good tho. I just realized how I miss my Sydney crew now when Uni starts over again. Noone can replace you guys. Its sad, but it has to be faced. I need my running partner... Amy, move over to Europe please! =) Only three days left of work for this summer. Its actually been good and rather fun to work this summer. My colleges are great and the job isnt that bad either. I rather have things to do than sitting home not knowing what to do with myself. I feel like Im getting a cold now tho, which isnt too good. I'll try and eat vitamins to stay away from it. It is a time of planning and organizing now. Need to figure out how to end my studies at the KTH. Its quite messy with all my courses, but I guess it'll work out in the end. Summer is over, autumn is coming. Its getting darker and colder. Luckily I have things to do in the winter aswel, so I am not that miserable about the changing of seasons. I soo feel like going to the alps or the mountains somewhere to get some really good skiing. aaarrrghh, please, give us snow this winter! However, now I'll go back to cleaning my apartment. Not that fun, but I like the result when Im finished =) Take care everyone! Im sending out my love... ;)

Why do you have to be so cute? It's impossible to ignore you...
You don't even know how very special you are.

Nej, nej, nej

Är det sant?? Vad är det som händer? Jag fattar ingenting.
Hur kan det hända så mycket ont till så goda människor. Nån gång måste det väl vara nog!
Jag lider otroligt med er. Kan inte föreställa mig hur ni känner.

Vad går livet ut på... Jag vill inte gå in på den diskussionen. men fan alltså. Man funderar ju.
Hur kan man skydda sig, undvika tragedier? Det går ju inte. Det är så läskigt.
Vad ska man göra? jadu....
jag vrider och vänder... men grejen är den. Det är väl bara att leva vidare så länge man kan och försöka göra det bästa av det och ha kul. Det går inte att skydda sig. Men varför händer det alltid de som minst förtjänar det. Orättvist!

Jag är i chock.

Life, Joy, Death, Sorrow
where is the line?

I can still recall

our last summer, I still see it all...

Har just sett Mamma Mia på bio. Den var otroligt bra, vilket jag inte riktigt trott. För musikälskare ett masterpiece. De har gjort så otroligt bra musik och den håller än!

...walks along the seine, laughing in the rain
our last summer, memories that remain

Annars har det varit en mycket seg dag, kikat på os-fotboll samt en sväng till gymmet. Det är i princip allt.  Men nu är jag glad och full av hopp. Filmer har en bra inverkan ibland =) Så vackert. Sju dagars jobb framför mig nu, så jag behövde en återhämtningsdag för att ladda upp.

...I was so happy we had met, it was the age of no regret...

Ja, nog fick filmen en att tänka tillbaka, tänka på allt möjligt. Gud vad mycket roligt jag varit med om egentligen. Men vad vore allt utan det sällskap jag haft vid alla dessa tillfällen. Sällskapet är det viktigaste. for the day, worries far away...

Och som jag brukar säga, i alla fall den senaste tiden; Love is the movement
It has never been more true than now <3

...Our last summer, we could laugh and play.

Thank you for the music

(jag tänder ett ljus för er ikväll)

it takes some silence to make sound

by that I mean you need to sit back and relax to understand or realize what you like, what you feel, and what you think.
But sitting alone too much isnt good either, at least not for me. Bored and restless is what I get. I need distraction. Distraction from my own thoughts sometimes.

I feel like putting up some favourite photos from the past half year. Its been some great six months, that's for sure =)
but my archive doesnt seem to work at the moment, so this one photo have to sum it all up:



"you see love at first is summertime...
... you should know, when it gets to cold, youre not alone"

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