I've seen some great films lately, and I can't stop myself from writing in english here on my swenglish blog :) The first one here is a new movie, it's on in the cinemas. I watched it a few days ago, It's called Twilight. Great scenery, good actors, quite cool story. I really like the girl in the film (of course). She is very natural, and pretty, also quite young, which I didn't realize until afterwards. But all the girls I'm sure loves the guy she's playing against. He is pretty hot too :P What are their real names? It's Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattison. They're well worth checking up. I'm sure we will see a lot more from both of 'em. This is one of the trailers for the film. This is the shortest one and there is more on youtube of course.
quite exhilarating film...
The second one here is an old one, that which I hadn't seen before though. I really think dance movies are awesome, I wish I could do those moves myself =) Well, the film is Step up 2, the streets. I'm sure most of you have seen it, but if you havn't, go and do it!
This is hot, right!?

Well, now I better step up, to the school "fukin" books, I'm getting a little stressed here. Over,