I’d believe only that which I’d heard
It's kind of sick, I can be up one minute, down the other and then up again the third. Meaning that my moods are varying so quick. What is really going on here? I don't really now. But I do know that music is the key to a lot of things. And also, By just changing your thoughts for a little bit a hell of a difference in your mindsetting can be made. From happy to sad, sad to happy, or anything basically. One sometimes have to think of the good stuf, not dwell on the miserabilities (if that's even a word) =) And sometimes you have to make a stand for what you believe in, or really stand for. "So much violence ends in silence, it's a shame there's noone to blame for a all the pain, that life brings. If you will just take me, it might just complete me... and together we can make a stand" - (old song by Jewel). However, lyrics get to me, almost every day. I wish I could write great stuf myself. I sometimes try, but never really gets satisfied by it. Although I am writing here quite often, which covers some of the things I need to get out. "Jag skriver om allt för att veta att jag finns, minns mer än jag borde, hela livet blir en film... Jag skriver om sånt, som gör ont och sånt som känns... Det finns en längtan till allting som kan rymmas bakom orden..." - (Navid Modiri). That was swedish tho :P But very true to me. Here is another one I was just listening to which was played in the One Tree Hill season five, episode nine, I think. "Memories they're following me like a shadow now, And I'm dreamin', And I've already suffered the fever of disbelief" - sung by the pretty great singer Kate Voegele. It just catches me, Lyrics that make me think of old days, but also days to come. I don't really know how to end this contribution, but I have to, since I'm going to practise now. But hey, never forget to live your life, whatever it consists of. Despite all different mindsettings, ups and downs, life always has a lot of great things to give!